Sunday, September 26, 2010

One Year With Rosie!!

The name of my blog is "My Pug Rosie" and I realize that I have yet to actually write about my pug Rosie. It has been a year since we welcomed our first ever dog into our home. She was 5 months old and I found her on the Uncle Henry's website. Her owner was working long hours and felt she wasn't able to devote the time "Bella" (Rosie's old name) required.

It took quite the convincing by my daughter and myself to get the two men in the home (my husband and son) to agree to getting a dog. I have always considered myself to be a cat person. Whenever the conversation went to dogs, my husband an I would scoff at the idea; BUT, I would always say, that IF I were to get a dog "someday" it would be a pug. That "someday" always looked long ways away. Last summer I was bit by the "pug bug" and started looking at rescue sites and breeders of pugs. My husband thought I was crazy and was not happy even with my new and unexplainable whim.

To make a long story short, we did take Rosie home. It was a lot of work at first trying to adjust to a life with a dog. Having a dog is a huge responsibility and requires a lot of work. Our cat is pretty self-efficient and has been with us for almost 19 years now!!!!!! (She is an "old lady" who was not please with our family's new addition. She can still out run and jump the new pup though.) At the end of the first week with us, my 9 year old daughter asked if we could give Rosie back. She wanted the pup so bad but the adjustment was hard.

It has been a year now and we are all madly in love with our pug Rosie. My husband and 15 year old son will do "doggie talk" and pet her lovingly. My now 10 year old daughter was talking about how much she missed Rosie when the pup went to stay with Grammy during Homecoming week (we were at school until late every night). I don't think any of us could really imagine NOT getting her a year ago.

She is one cute pug, if I don't say so myself. She is silly and lovable. She makes lots of noises: snorts, sniffs and snoring ones. My ten year old daughter just hosted a "One Year with Rosie" anniversary party for Rosie and invited several 5th graders over to help celebrate.

So, there was some information about my pug Rosie!!!!!!!


  1. Rosie is adorable! I love pugs. Wish I could have one. Also, I can't shut off your woodchucks.

  2. I can't seem to shut off that dang commercial too! Maybe it is the link that I used? If anyone can help I would really appreciate it! I am hoping that once it's October that post will be in the September archive and thus not automatically turn on. If not, I will try to change the link. Thanks for the feedback.
